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Directorates and Departmental Functions


The office is anchored in the Energy Act No. 1 of 2019 under The State Corporation Act (cap 446) and is responsible for ensuring proper and efficient management of the day-today operations of NuPEA subject to the directions of the Board. The Office is also responsible for developing, implementing, and monitoring/reviewing of the Board’s strategic goals, management of assets of the Board including the Human Resource, provision of direction and strategic leadership and the day-to-day management of the organization.

The office is responsible for the following functions:

  • Overseeing development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the Agency’s strategic goals, long-term and short-term plans
  • Responsible for resource mobilization with strategic international development partners and the national treasury.
  • Ensure development, implementation, monitoring and review of the organizational budget to realize prudent management of the resources.
  • Ensuring that the organization acquires, develops and maintains a competent and motivated human capital for a successful nuclear power programme.
  • Create awareness through advocacy and lobbying stakeholder support for Kenya’s nuclear power programme.
  • Ensuring that the country develops a comprehensive legal and regulatory framework necessary for the nuclear power programme.
  • Ensuring that the country develops requisite technical, human and infrastructural capacity for the national nuclear power program.
  • Serves as the secretary to the Board of directors and a link between the Board and the Management.
  • In charge of organizational performance management by ensuring performance contracts are negotiated, cascaded and implemented.
  • Ensuring timely preparation of financial reports and statements and responding to audit queries raised by the Office of the Auditor General.
  • Oversee the organization’s quality assurance and risk management framework.
  • Ensuring the organization procures goods and services in an efficient, effective and transparent manner in compliance with the Public Procurement
  • and Asset Disposal Act, 2015 and Public Finance Management Act, 2012.
  • Ensure the development and execution of the organization’s communication strategies, decisions and policies.
  • Facilitate the implementation of the Country’s Programme Framework with the International Atomic Energy Agency on technical cooperation programs in Kenya by developing of national projects and coordinating national stakeholders like Radiation Protection Board, University of Nairobi, Kenyatta National Hospital, Kenya Agriculture and Livestock Research Organization, National Police Service among others.
  • Providing overall leadership and guidance to senior management and other members of staff.
  • Implementing and monitoring of NuPEA’s annual operating budget.
  • Providing technical advice to the Board of Directors on matters relating to strategic goals, policy and plans.
  • Ensuring development of effective internal monitoring and control systems and procedures.
  • Implementing, monitoring and evaluating the organization’s annual business plans.
  • Ensuring effective communication between the management and the Board of Directors as well as different levels of management.
  • Ensuring continuous engagement and lobbying stakeholders to garner support for Kenya’s Nuclear power programme.
  • Overseeing overall human resource management activities including adoption of appropriate organizational structures, recruitment, employee welfare, training and development, industrial relations, separation, staff discipline and succession planning.
  • Ensure continuous improvement in the quality and value of services and products provided by the organization.
  • Ensuring continuous achievement of the organization’s financial and operating goals and objectives.
  • Putting in place efficient and effective administrative processes and procedures within the organization. 26.Ensuring effective management and
  • the enhancement of the organization’s corporate image and visibility.
  • Overseeing and ensuring implementation of corporate policies and programs.
  • Maintain a conducive work environment for attracting, retaining and motivating members of staff.
  • Foster a corporate culture that promotes ethical practices and good corporate governance.
  • Act as the Chief spokesperson of the organization.
  • Ensure the organization complies with legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Implementation of audit recommendations
  • Carrying out day to day running of the organization to ensure efficiency.
  • Ensuring alignment of Human Resource strategy with organization strategy and succession management.
  • Ensures organization leverages on technology for delivery of service

The Nuclear Energy Infrastructure Development Directorate is responsible for providing technical input towards the establishment of a nuclear power programme in Kenya including promotion and expediting of the development of nuclear electricity in Kenya, development of policies necessary for development and promotion of nuclear energy, human resource capacity development to ensure Kenya has the requisite manpower to successfully establish and maintain a nuclear power programme; identification of appropriate sites in Kenya for the construction of power plants and related amenities and the identification of suitable operator(s) for nuclear power plants as mandated under section 54 of the Energy Act No. 1 of 2019.

The Directorate is responsible for the following functions: –

  • Establishing institutional, organizational and engineering capabilities that will enable safe operation of Nuclear Power Plants in Kenya.
  • Developing framework for establishment of management systems for all nuclear organizations and processes for the nuclear power programme in Kenya.
  • Developing a radiation protection programme for the protection of people, the environment and property from harmful effects of ionizing radiation for Kenya’s nuclear power programme.
  • Provision of a framework for establishment of an electric grid that will safely, efficiently and reliably support the operation of a nuclear power plant in Kenya.
  • Identification of appropriate sites meeting all technical and safety criteria, consistent with international standards for Kenya’s Nuclear Power Programme.
  • Development of institutional capacity to effectively mitigate consequences of nuclear radiological emergencies.
  • Establishment of a system for prevention, detection and response to theft, sabotage, unauthorized access, movement or transfer or malicious act involving nuclear materials and nuclear facilities.
  • Establishment of a national nuclear fuel cycle policy that is optimum for Kenya’s Nuclear Power Programme.
  • Development, update and implementation of a framework for human resource capacity building for Kenya’s nuclear power programme.
  • Coordination of long term nuclear international training programmes.
  • Management of nuclear trainees under sponsorship by the Board.
  • Coordination of partnerships aimed at human and institutional capacity building for the development of the nuclear power programme.
  • Establishment of an effective framework for radioactive waste management and spent fuel management.
  • Establishment of local and national industry capacity to participate in all phases of Kenya’s Nuclear Power Programme.
  • Development of a requisite human and institutional capacity for nuclear power plant procurement.
  • Definition of the environmental protection measures required for Kenya’s Nuclear Power Programme.
  • Establishment of a framework that enhances nonproliferation, nuclear disarmament and promotion of peaceful uses of nuclear energy in Kenya.
  • Development of a framework for funding and financing for Kenya’s nuclear power programme.
  • Identification of a suitable operator for nuclear power plants.

The Directorate is responsible for developing, implementing and monitoring the legal and regulatory framework and providing company secretarial services to the Board of Directors, provision of technical and strategic leadership in the development of an appropriate legal and policy framework to management as anchored in the Code of Governance for State Corporations (MWONGOZO).

The Directorate will be responsible for the following functions:

  • Developing and advising on appropriate legal and regulatory framework for a successful Nuclear Power Programme in Kenya
  • Providing guidance and legal advice to the Principal Executive Officer, the Board of Directors and Management.
  • Providing technical and strategic leadership in the develpment, implementation and review of the Agency’s legal and policy framework.
  • Advising on dispute prevention and resolution on all corporate legal issues.
  • Advising the Agency and the Board of Directors on regulatory compliance with government laws and regulations and ensuring compliance.
  • Providing Board secretarial services, maintaining minutes and corporate documents.
  • Coordinating development, implementation and review of good corporate governance within the Agency.
  • Advising the management and the Board of Directors on effective management of contracts.

The Energy Research & Development Directorate is responsible for knowledge management and promotion and implementation of research for all energy technologies in the country as mandated under 54 of the Energy Act No. 1 of 2019.

The Directorate will be responsible for the following functions:

  • Undertaking national research and human resource development road mapping to assess the status of research in key technologies;
  • Promotion of local production of energy technologies;
  • Collaboration with institutions that collect, analyze and prepare policy papers in order to access energy sector specific information;
  • Enhancing research linkages between industry and academia in matters relating to energy;
  • Continuous training and upgrade of human resource capacity in the energy sector to keep up the changing technological issues in collaboration with training institutions;
  • Advising on training curriculum and training needs targeting key areas in energy sector;
  • Directing, monitoring, conducting and implementing energy research and technology development in all fields of energy;
  • Promoting energy research and technology innovation;
  • Providing for training and development in the field of energy and research technology development;
  • Commercialization of energy technologies resulting from energy research and development programmes;
  • Registering patents and intellectual property in its name resulting from its activities;
  • Initiating the authorization of other persons for the use of its patents.
  • Publishing research findings and other materials;
  • Establishing facilities for the collection and dissemination of information in connection with research, development and innovation in energy sector;
  • Undertaking any other energy technology development related activity;
  • Collaborating with relevant training centers to ensure synergy in matters relating to energy;
  • Promoting relevant energy research through corporation with any entity, institution or persons equipped with relevant skills and expertise;
  • Promoting the training of research workers in the energy sector by granting bursaries or grants in aid for research;
  • Undertaking investigations or research that the Cabinet secretary after consultation with relevant institutions, may assign to it;
  • Creating awareness and disseminating information on the efficient use of energy and its conservation.

The Directorate of Strategy and Planning is established under the Energy Act No. 1 of 2019 and is responsible for identification, preparation and facilitation for the implementation of a roadmap for a nuclear power programme, corporate performance management, risk management and ensuring nuclear inclusion in the national power planning process.

The Directorate will be responsible for the following functions:

  • Coordinating development, implementation and review of NuPEA’s strategic objectives, goals and targets.
  • Monitoring, reporting and advising on NuPEA’s strategic direction highlighting on the strategic drifts.
  • Coordinating development, implementation and review of the NuPEA’s strategic plan.
  • Monitoring and evaluation of the nuclear power programme strategy implementation
  • Coordinating NuPEA’s performance contracting process and liaising with the Ministry, The National Performance Contracting Coordination Office and relevant Agencies.
  • Coordinating development, implementation, and evaluation reporting of the annual and quarterly performance goals and targets.
  • Developing, monitoring and evaluation of the corporate work plan ensuring NuPEA’s contribution to the national energy planning process.
  • Change management and coordinating the NuPEA’s transformative agenda.
  • Managing the NuPEA’s ISO process.
  • Coordinating the Information Security Management System process (ISMS) for the NuPEA.
  • Coordinating corporate risk management
  • Establishing, implementing and evaluation of a framework for risk management at NuPEA

The Directorate is responsible for coordinating initiatives geared towards achievement of government commitment/national position in Kenya’s nuclear power program, advocacy and stakeholder’s engagement, and management of the Agency Corporate communication, marketing and Corporate Social Responsibility activities as provided in the Energy Act No. 1 of 2019.

The Directorate will be responsible for the following functions: –

  • Undertaking public/ stakeholder education, consultation and involvement for Kenya’s nuclear power programme
  • Coordinating and managing all Publicity & advocacy activities
  • Stakeholder engagement and management
  • Corporate communication and brand management
  • Building strong national position
  • Promoting and expediting the development of nuclear electricity in Kenya
  • Creating awareness and disseminating information on the efficient use of energy and its conservation
  • Developing and implementing the Agency’s communication strategy
  • Promoting positive corporate image of the Agency to the public through promotions and campaigns
  • Implementing Corporate Social Responsibility programs and maintaining their impact
  • Branding and promoting the Agency nationally and internationally
  • Undertaking media liaison for the Agency’s campaign activities.
  • Creating awareness on NuPEA’s mandate through participation in Shows, Expos, trade Fairs and exhibitionNuPEA

The Directorate is responsible for initiating, coordinating, and implementation of policies and strategies in the management Finance and Accounts, Human Resource and Administration and Information Communication and Technology functions.

The Directorate is responsible for;

  • Prepare budget estimates, undertaking budgetary controls and assisting departmental heads in the management of their budgets through provision of budget utilization reports;
  • Process of financial transactions including commitment of funds, expenditure and revenue management, management of debtors and creditors and providing leadership on all matters pertaining to prudent financial management;
  • Monitor and forecast of cash flows and overall management and control of allocated funds and internally generated income;
  • Initiate the development and review of the financial policies and regulations.
  • Prepare and maintaining the Fund’s books of accounts to facilitate production of timely and accurate financial statements and reports for management decision making as well as for external reporting in line the requirements of the Public Financial Management Act 2012 and the National Treasury guidelines issued from time to time;
  • Design, monitor and supervise the implementation of internal controls to safeguard the property and assets of the Fund;
  • Ensure compliance with tax and other statutory regulations;
  • Manage the Fund’s cash to ensure adequate liquidity to meet operational requirements;
  • Ensure integrity of financial transactions and compliance with all relevant policies, guidelines and procedures for all financial reporting.
  • Ensuring formulation and implementation of human resources corporate policies, procedures and strategies in line with the applicable labor laws.
  • Ensuring development, implementation and evaluation of workforce plans for NuPEA
  • Advising on appropriate NuPEA structure, business processes and best management practice to maximize operational efficiency.
  • Advising on optimal staffing levels and skills necessary for effective NuPEA performance.
  • Coordinating, development and implementation of staff performance appraisal.
  • Ensuring development and implementation of reward policies and programs.
  • Ensuring development, implementation and review of the NuPEA’s training policies, procedures and programs
  • Ensuring development of administrative policies and procedures for efficient service delivery in areas such as cleaning, security, building and maintenance, mail delivery, travel and transport etc.
  • Ensuring development, implementation and review of the NuPEA’s information, record management and information safety systems.
  • Ensuring effective management of staff medical scheme.
  • Ensuring effective management of Staff mortgage and car loan schemes.
  • Ensuring development of NuPEA staff Retirement Benefits Scheme.
  • Coordination of the NuPEA’s Group life (GPA) and Work Injury Benefits (WIBA) insurance Schemes
  • Responsible for designing, development and customizing ICT applications and systems
  • Initiate the Development and review of ICT Strategy, plans, policies, systems, and procedures;
  • Establish and providing standards for acquisition, implementation and management for Voice, Radio, Video and Data communications/ICT networks for all offices;
  • Implement strategies for Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system development, maintenance and administration;
  • Review ICT requirements and coordinate technical and functional improvements of the information systems in collaboration with end-users;
  • Initiate the Development, implementation and continuously review system security, back-up and recovery procedures;
  • Develop and maintain ICT Business Continuity plan through implementing necessary Disaster Recovery interventions/plan that would support the Fund’s business during times of unforeseen disaster;
  • Implement programs for safeguarding data integrity of all systems and ensure system availability through the necessary technical support/upgrades;
  • Initiate the development, review and implementation of guidelines on distribution, installation, upgrade, maintenance and replacement of ICT infrastructure and promote the use of cost-effective ICT solutions;
  • Provide technical support to the implemented systems and promoting technological innovations to enhance the Fund’s efficiency;
  • Establish operational linkages with other directorates, departments and divisions of the Fund to facilitate efficiency.

The Directorate is established pursuant to the Public Finance Management Act 2012 section 73 that requires an audit department be established in all government bodies. The Directorate of Internal Audit is responsible for providing objective risk assurance, ensuring governance system are established, functioning, and providing consulting services to the Board and management guided by the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing as per the Institute of Internal Auditors (IAA).

The Directorate is responsible for the following functions:

  • Evaluating and providing reasonable assurance that risk management, control, and governance systems are established and functioning.
  • Secretary to the Board Audit Committee.
  • Reporting risk management issues and internal controls deficiencies
  • Developing report on identified deficiencies and reporting directly to the audit committee and provides recommendations for improving the organization’s operations, in terms of both efficient and effective performance
  • Ensuring the Board Audit Committee, recommendations are implemented.
  • Coordinating with the external auditors.
  • Providing consulting services to management.
  • Evaluating information security and associated risk exposures.
  • Evaluating organization compliance with statutory requirements.

Supply Chain Department is a function headed by the Manager. The department is charged with the responsibility of procuring goods, works and services for the Agency in strict adherence to Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Act, 2015 and Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Regulations, 2020 and any other legislation on Public Finance Management.

The department carries out the below functions;

  • Implement the decisions of the Accounting Officer, including Disposal Committee and coordinating all procurement activities;
  • Prepare consolidated annual procurement and asset disposal plans;
  • Coordinate internal monitoring and evaluation of the procurement and supply chain function;
  • Maintain and continuously update standing lists of registered suppliers for the Agency;
  • Liaise with the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority in respect of the Authority’s register of procuring agents;
  • Prepare tender and asset disposal documents to facilitate fair competition;
  • Prepare, publish and distribute procurement and disposal opportunities including invitations to tender, request for quotations and proposals, pre-qualification documents and invitations for expression of interest;
  • Coordinate receiving, opening and evaluation of tenders, quotations and proposals;
  • Submit a list of registered or prequalified suppliers or contractors or consultants to the Accounting Officer for approval;
  • Issue procurement and asset disposal documents to candidates in accordance with the Act and Regulations;
  • Propose membership of relevant committees under the Act to the Accounting Officer for consideration and appointment and act as secretariat to the evaluation, inspection and acceptance, and disposal committees;
  • Prepare and publish tender awards, prepare contract documents in line with the award decision, prepare and issue debriefing letters;
  • Prepare contract variations and modifications documents, monitor contract management by user departments to ensure implementation of contracts in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contracts;
  • Maintain and archive procurement and asset disposal documents and records for the required period, and provide information when required;
  • Prepare and submit to the National Treasury and Authority reports required under the Act, Regulations and guidelines of the Authority;
  • Conduct market survey, periodic and annual stock taking and facilitate processing of payment to suppliers.