Nuclear Power and Energy Agency (NuPEA) is a State Corporation established under the Energy Act 2019. It is charged with the responsibility of promoting and implementing Kenya’s nuclear power programme; and carryinng out research and development for the energy sector.
The mandate of the Agency as stipulated in section 56(1) of the Energy Act 2019 are as follows:
Be the nuclear energy programme implementing organization and promote the development of nuclear electricity generation in Kenya
Carry out research, development and dissemination activities in the energy and petroleum sectors in Kenya
In addition to the powers and functions of the Agency under section 56(1) of the Energy Act 2019, the Agency is also mandated by the same act, section 56(2) to:
- Propose policies and legislation necessary for the successful implementation of a nuclear power programme
- Undertake extensive public education and awareness on Kenya’s nuclear power programme
- Identify, prepare and facilitate implementation of an approved roadmap for a nuclear power programme
- In collaboration with the relevant government agencies develop a comprehensive legal and regulatory framework for nuclear electricity generation in Kenya
- Develop a human resource capacity to ensure Kenya has the requisite manpower to successfully establish and maintain a nuclear power programme
- Identify appropriate sites in Kenya for the construction of nuclear power plants and their related amenities
- Enter into collaborative programmes with other countries, international and national organisations in relation to nuclear electricity research and development
- Identify a suitable operator for nuclear power plants
- Establish a well stocked library and information centre on nuclear science and technology
- Promote local, regional and international participation in research activities, particularly in technology-oriented research
- Put in place mechanisms to attract private sector funding in research and human resource development for matters relating to energy
- Undertake a national research and human resource development road-mapping to assess the status of research in key energy technologies
- Promote local production of energy technologies
- Collaborate with institutions that collect, analyse and prepare policy papers in order to access energy sector specific information
- Enhance research linkages between industry and academia in matters relating to energy
- Continuously train and upgrade human resource capacity in the energy sector to keep up with the changing technological issues in collaboration with training institutions
- Advise on training curriculum and training needs targeting key areas in the energy sector
- Direct, monitor, conduct and implement energy research and technology development in all fields of energy
- Promote energy research and technology innovation
- Establish facilities for the collection and dissemination of information in connection with research, development and innovation in the energy sector
- Undertake any other duties as may be necessary for the execution of its mandate.