1. Response to enquiries
Step | Event/Activity/Action | Time/No. of Days | Actor |
1 | Send enquiry by: walk in, telephone call, in writing (e-mail/letter), via social media platforms, Website Talk Chat | Mon - Fri 8am - 5pm | Customer |
2 | Acknowledge customer enquiry | Within 24 Hours | Customer Relations Management Officer/Co |
3 | Assess the nature of the enquiry | Instant | Customer Relations Management Officer/Co |
4 | In consultation with the relevant officer, respond to customer with information being sought | Within 3 Days | Customer Relations Management Officer/Co |
5 | Where applicable: visitor to leave message or schedule an appointment. -Follow-up with relevant officer to schedule an appointment -Follow-up with customer to ensure response is given | Instant Within 2 Days | Customer Relations Management Officer/Co Customer Relations Management Officer/Co |
Path Service Turn-Around-Time | 6 Days |
2. Complaints Resolutions
Step | Event/Activity/Action | Time/No. of Days | Actor |
1 | Submit complaint in writing to the Agency via the website online form, E-mail and Letter. | 0 | Complainant/Customer |
2 | Acknowledge receipt of the complaint filed against the Agency. | 1 | Complaints Handling Officer |
3 | The complaint shall be assessed for admissibility, the Agency’s mandate to remedy it, complexity and whether it requires investigation and prepare a response of the decision. | 2 | Complaints Handling Officer |
4 | If another institution is better positioned to remedy the complaint, it shall be submitted to concerned institution the complainant shall be responded to and advised of this by E-mail and Letter. | 7 | Chief Executive Officer |
5 | If the complaint is simple recommended resolution action shall be identified and taken by the respondent department and a response submitted to the complainant by E-mail and Letter. | 7 | Head of Department (i.e. of respondent department) |
6 | If the complaint is complex and requires investigation shall be investigated and an investigation report provided that establishes the facts and recommends resolution action options | 14 | Director Internal Audit |
7 | For investigated complaints, the resolution action shall be implemented. | 14 | Head of Department (i.e. of respondent department) |
8 | If the complaint is complex but does not require investigation it shall be forwarded to the respondent department to verify the facts, implement the resolution action and provide a resolution report. | 14 | Head of Department (i.e. of respondent department) |
9 | For complex complaints the SSAC shall convene to consider the Investigation/Resolution Report and make decision and prepare a response. | 1 | Complaints Handling Officer |
10 | The decision and resolution action shall be communicated to the complainant, respondent department and other interested parties in writing by E-mail and Letter. | 5 | Chief Executive Officer |
11 | Complaints Database shall be updated with the details of the complaint, resolution action and progress of its implementation and a quarterly report submitted to the CAJ. | 1 | Complaints Handling Officer |
12 | Sensitise the Management and Staff on the Complaints handling Mechanisms once a year. | 1 | Complaints Handling Officer |
Path Service Turn-Around-Time | 35 days |
3. Request for information
Step | Activity | No. of Days | Actor |
1 | Submit request for information detailing the particulars in writing to the Agency via the website online form, E-mail and Letter. | 0 | Customer |
2 | Where the request is for urgent requests (i.e. the information sought concerns the life or liberty of a person) shall be responded to immediately. | 2 | Access to Information Officer |
3 | Acknowledge receipt of the request for information. | 2 | Access to Information Officer |
4 | Assess the request including confirming that the Agency holds the information being sought and a decision (i.e. to provide access, not to or transfer) made shall be prepared for approval. | 2 | Access to Information Officer |
5 | Where the information requested or part of is to be provided by another public entity the applicants request shall be forwarded to the relevant public institution and the applicant shall responded to and advised of this. | 7 | Chief Executive Officer |
6 | If the request has been declined, respond to the applicant providing reasons for it and advise on how the applicant may appeal to The Commission on Administrative Justice-Office of the Ombudsman (CAJ). | 2 | Chief Executive Officer |
7 | If the request has been approved submit a response to the applicant advising of the applicable fees, mode of payment, and process of accessing the information. | 2 | Chief Executive Officer |
8 | Provide access to the information by inspection or submitting the applicant by E-mail or letter. | 14 | Access to Information Officer |
9 | Update in the requisite schedule, prepare and submit quarterly reports on the access to information requests received and handled. | 1 | Access to Information Officer |
10 | Sensitise the Management and Staff on the Access to Information Mechanisms once a year. | 1 | Access to Information Officer |
Path Service Turn-Around-Time | 18 days |
4. Recruitment
Step | Event/Activity/Action | Time/No. of Days | Actor |
1 | Submission of application letters to include CVs, copy of ID, Application letter, Academic certificates | 21 days | Applicant |
2 | Appointment of longlisting and shortlisting committees | 7 days | Chief Executive Officer |
3 | Longlisting of all applications received | 21 days | Chair Long listing committee |
4 | Shortlisting of qualified candidates | 7 days | Chair Short listing committee |
5 | Appointment of interview panelists | 1 day | Chief Executive Officer |
6 | Invitation for interview | 1 day | Manager, Human Resource |
7 | Conduct interviews | 7 days | Interview Panel |
8 | Notify successful and unsuccessful interviewees | 3 days | Manager, Human Resource |
9 | Successful candidate reports to work | 1 day | Applicant |
10 | Conduct Orientation/Induction | 14 days | Manager, Human Resource |
Path Service Turn-Around-Time | 90 days |
5. Attachment, Internship and Apprenticeship
Step | Event/Activity/Action | Time/No. of Days | Actor |
1 | PSC recommends qualified candidates for the specific positions | 14 days | Public Service Commission |
2 | Engage and orient the Attaches, Interns and Apprentices within their respective durations | 14 days | Manager, Human Resource |
3 | Acknowledge to PSC that the Attaches, Interns and Apprentices are on board | 2 days | Manager, Human Resources |
4 | At the end of their respective periods, the Attaches, Interns and Apprentices are released and a recommendation letter issued to them | End of the period | Manager, Human Resources |
Path Service Turn-Around-Time | 30 days |
6. Registration of suppliers
Step | Event/Activity/Action | Time/No. of Days | Actor |
1 | The Agency to advertise for registration of suppliers in all categories in the local dailies and NuPEA website: www.nuclear.co.ke | Every 2 years | Supply Chain Manager |
2 | The suppliers will submit their business profiles in hard copies in triplicate to the Agency | 7 days | Suppliers |
3 | Evaluation of prospective suppliers | 21 days | Chair Evaluation Committee |
4 | Suppliers notified of successful registration or otherwise | 1 day | Supply Chain Manager |
5 | AGPO/YAGPO category registration is continuous | - | Supply Chain Manager |
Path Service Turn-Around-Time | 30 days |
7. Procurement
Step | Event/Activity/Action | Time/No. of Days | Actor |
1 | Submission of quotations/tenders for invitation of bidders to quote within the closing dates | 21 days | Supply Chain Manager |
2 | Opening of Tenders /Quotations by the opening committee, in the presence of bidders’ representatives who may choose to attend the opening process. | 1 day | Tender opening committee |
3 | Evaluation of the tender by the evaluation committee | 7 days | Tender Evaluation committee |
4 | Review of the evaluation report and issue a professional opinion for the Chief Executive Officers approval | 7 days | Supply Chain Manager |
5 | Notification to all bidders of the outcome of the process. | 7 days | Supply Chain Manager |
6 | Preparation of a purchase order/service order and share with the successful bidder | 7 days | Supply Chain Manager |
7 | Preparation of a contract where necessary | 7 days | Supply Chain Manager/Legal department |
8 | Goods and services are delivered | 7 days | Supplier |
9 | Inspection & Acceptance of goods/services | 7 days | Inspection & Acceptance Committee |
10 | Where Projects require project implementation team, one will be formed. | 7 days | Chief Executive Officer |
Path Service Turn-Around-Time | 120 days |
8. Payment to suppliers within the agreed credit period
Step | Event/Activity/Action | Time/No. of Days | Actor |
1 | Supplier to submit invoice(s) and receive a stamped copy | Instant | Supplier |
2 | The invoice is posted to the Accounting system | 2 days | Accountant |
3 | Procurement documentations for goods and services supplied are forwarded to finance for payment | 7 days | Supply Chain Manager |
4 | Verification of documents to ensure they are authentic i.e. LPO/LSO, Professional opinion ,delivery note ,requisitions ,goods and acceptance certificates | 5 days | Manager, Finance and Accounts |
5 | Preparation of payment vouchers | 1 day | Accountant |
6 | Verification of payment voucher | 1 day | Accountant |
7 | Authorization of payment voucher | 3 days | Manager, Finance and Accounts |
8 | Approval for payment of goods and services | 3 days | Manager, Finance and Accounts |
9 | Payment for goods/services applied | 7 days | Manager, Finance and Accounts |
Path Service Turn-Around-Time | 30 days |
9. Disseminating information, education and communication on the nuclear power programme and on energy Conservation
Step | Event/Activity/Action | Time/No. of Days | Actor |
1 | Invite target stakeholders and follow up on invitations | 14 days | Director, Information Advocacy and Communication |
2 | Undertake stakeholder interaction | 5 days | Director, Information Advocacy and Communication |
3 | Prepare and publish report of the event. | 3 days | Publicity and Advocacy/Communication Officer |
4 | Develop an implementation matrix to implement report recommendations | 3 days | Publicity and Advocacy/Communication Officer |
5 | Conduct public opinion/awareness survey | - | Director, Information Advocacy and Communication |
Path Service Turn-Around-Time | 22 days |
10. Provision of educational opportunities, scholarships and bursaries in energy sector related fields
Step | Event/Activity/Action | Time/No. of Days | Actor |
1 | Visit NuPEA website (www.nuclear.co.ke) or visit the office or view as advertised in the print and media to access schedule of available capacity building opportunities and application requirements | Instant | Applicant |
2 | Apply for opportunity within stipulated time and requirements | Instant | Applicant |
3 | Get acknowledgement of the application | 24 hours | Director, Energy R&D |
4 | Constitute a committee to review program applications | 1 day | Director, Energy R&D |
5 | Review of program applications to identify final candidates and send feedback | 7 days | Director, Energy R&D |
6 | Receive feedback on acceptance/rejection | 14 days | Applicant |
7 | If the applicant accepts the offer, submit detail requirements to enroll into the program | 14 days | Applicant |
8 | Successful candidates enroll into the programme and provided with requisite support as per scholarship/bursary programme | Within timelines | Applicant |
9 | Submit periodic performance reports until completion | Periodically | Applicant |
10 | Provide comments and feedback on submitted performance reports | Periodically | Director, Energy R&D |
11 | Register into energy competency database | Instant | Applicant |
Path Service Turn-Around-Time | 23 days |
11. Collaboration in energy research
Step | Event/Activity/Action | Time/No. of Days | Actor |
1 | Visit NuPEA website or visit the office or view as advertised in the print and media to access published energy research projects | Instant | Applicant |
2 | Request for detailed information on research proposal (online) | Instant | Applicant |
3 | Get acknowledgement of the application | 24 hours | Applicant |
4 | Assess eligibility of the applicant | 14 days | Director, Energy R&D |
5 | if eligible, receive detailed proposal | Instant | Applicant |
6 | Submit application for collaboration in a specific research project | Within given timelines | Applicant |
7 | Receive feedback on acceptance/rejection | 14 days | Applicant |
8 | Enter into collaboration agreement or non-disclosure agreement | Continuous | Director, Energy R&D |
9 | Commence the research project | Instant | Applicant |
10 | Submit periodic performance reports until completion | Quarterly | Applicant |
11 | Receive comments and feedback on submitted reports | 14 days | Director, Energy R&D |
12 | Submit and present final research output | At end of research | Applicant |
13 | Submit the final report to the management and the Technical Sub-Committee of the Board | At end of research | Director, Energy R&D |
Path Service Turn-Around-Time | 43 days |
12. Availing of energy research findings and other related material
Step | Event/Activity/Action | Time/No. of Days | Actor |
1 | Visit NuPEA website to view list of all completed/published energy research projects | Instant | Applicant |
2 | Click to access an abridged report on the research projects | Instant | Applicant |
3 | Submit a request to receive detailed information | Instant | Applicant |
4 | Get acknowledgment of the request | 24 hours | Applicant |
5 | Assess eligibility of the applicant | 7 days | Director, Energy R&D |
6 | Send feedback on requested information to eligible applicants and related conditions subject to access to intellectual property and disclosure rights | 7 days | Director, Energy R&D |
7 | Receive the requested research findings and related material | 1 day | Applicant |
Path Service Turn-Around-Time | 15 days |