Why a Nuclear Career?
Kenya is embarking on nuclear power development for electricity generation! Nuclear Power and Energy Agency (NuPEA) tailored this unique package to offer students the tools, academic guidance and mentoring needed to pursue educational and career opportunities related to nuclear engineering (Science/Engineering and Math). NuPEA hopes to inspire students and young scientists to pursue and excel in Science as a foundation to choosing nuclear science careers and if it broadens the outlook of even one student, it will be worth it.
Career opportunities in the Nuclear Industry
Careers in the nuclear industry offer challenging work, competitive salaries and benefits, and opportunities for advancement through the life of nuclear power plants which can be up to 60 years from construction to decommissioning.
Who works in the Nuclear Industry?
Nuclear energy is not just for nuclear engineers. Nuclear energy facilities employ workers across myriad technical and non-technical disciplines. Highly trained and licensed employees operate nuclear reactors and are supported by engineers of various types such as health physicists, instrumentation and control workers, skilled craftspeople such as welders, carpenters and other professionals.
The industry presents job opportunities to workers across a broad range of disciplines and thus not limited to engineering. Nuclear utilities and other nuclear energy companies require a massive investment in human resource capacity building. Nuclear expertise is developed and nurtured throughout the lifecycle of nuclear power plants to achieve excellence in safe delivery and operation.
A typical nuclear power plant sources a wide range of expertise comprising engineers, technicians, environmentalists, lawyers, and craft workers. Nuclear professionals must be well versed as they are held with the responsibility of protecting the environment by supporting emission-free nuclear power plants. Nuclear engineers research, design, develop, operate and maintain the machinery and equipment cases used to produce power through controlled nuclear chain. Environmental safety and radiological protection are essential concerns for nuclear engineers.
Types of Nuclear Careers
Chemical Engineering & Structural Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Materials Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Nuclear Engineering, Communications & Public Affairs, Human Resources & Administration, Supply Chain/Procurement, Finance & Accounts/ Economics & Statistics, Nuclear Law Welders & Craftsmen, Project Management, Occupational & Radiation Safety Security