From 8th – 11th April, Nuclear Power and Energy Agency (NuPEA) formerly KNEB in its quests to promote Science and Innovation amongst upcoming sientists pitched tent at the 2019 Kenya Science and Engineering Fair NAtional competition at Jomo Kenyatta High School in Nakuru County. The four day event brouht together over 1500 young innovators from High schools drawn from across the country and 500 teachers who mentored the students in coming up with their innovators that were exibited in the Science Fair. This presented a unique opportunity to NuPEA to engage young innovators on nuclear energy development in Kenya and their role as the future Human Resource for Kenya’s nuclear power programme.
The 2019 Kenya Science and Engineering Fair (KSEF) shy of expectations, marked by innovation and ingenuity, which carried the day. Thsi was evident as the chief Guest H.E. Dr. Eric Korir, the Deputy Governor of Nakuru County lauded the students for great innovations during the opning ceremony.
‘I can comfortably state from what i have seen here today, that Kenya’s vision 2030 is in safe hands and the country’s future is bright with this young scientists and innovators leading the way’ said the Deputy Governor in his opening remarks after viewing various ideas presented at the Fair.
In the bid to promote science and innovation NuPEA has always partnered with the ministry of Education, the organizers, to reward winners in Physics, Engineering and Energy categories by way of trophies and cash vouchers for their outstanding innovations. This is the fifth year in a row that NuPEA is sponsoring Kenya Science and Engineering Fair national competitions.
During the Fair, NuPEA got an opportunity to interact with students and teachers, where we conducted public education and sensitization about nuclear energy and our organization. The student showed so much interest in nuclear energy and surprisingly some of the students have vast knowledge about nuclear energy beyond the basic radioactivity topic taught in high schools.
Cheers from the student marked the awarding ceremony particularly the schools that won specific categories. Turning the projects into business opportunities was discussed at length by organizers and sponsors to the point one of the sponsors offered to invest in the top two projects and turn them into business ventures that wil help the students cash in on their innovations. Also, the students with overall best project will represent Kenya in the United States of America in the year 2020 at International Science Fair competition.
Just as it has been our tradition, Nuclear Power and Energy Agency (NuPEA) formerly KNEB will endeavour to take part and sponsoring the fair as an avenue for promoting science and innovation among the young and agile students. This will create a critical mass and Human Resource pool for Kenya’s nuclear power plants with first 1000MW being commissioned by 2027.
By Jonathan Njoroge