The Nuclear Power and Energy Agency (NuPEA) team held Science Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Career talks at Uyombo Girls Secondary school, Katana Ngala Secondary school, Roka Maweni Secondary School and Chumani Secondary Schol in the potential nuclear power plant host county 7th – 9th June 2022. The Agency also undertook tree-planting activities in the different schools.
The team engaged and sensitized students on Kenya’s Nuclear Power Programme, potential careers in the nuclear energy field with emphasis on STEM and opportunities for further learning to attain advanced university degrees.
The STEM Career talk sessions were interactive with students who had numerous questions to the NuPEA representatives and getting feedback on nuclear related issues.
Institutions of learning form a vital component of the nuclear power programme. Given the lead time required for a nuclear power programme to attain maturity, the students of today will most certainly be the professionals undertaking various aspects of this endeavor, a decade or so from now. The most ideal approach to guarantee future achievements is to ensure that students are well versed in STEM subjects. NuPEA continues to intensify the outreach activities to schools all around Kenya.
The Agency also made a strong pitch for environmental conservation by carrying out tree planting exercises in the four secondary schools. The students and teachers joined NuPEA in planting tree seedlings at the school compounds. This encouraged them to be committed to preserving the environment.
In conjunction with the activities, there was The Nuclear Student Ambassadors Programme held at Pwanin University, in Kilifi County. In attendance were students and teachers from Katana Ngala Secondary school, Roka Maweni Secondary school, Uyombo Girls Secondary school and Chumani Secondary school. It also comprised of NuPEA partners from the International Framework for Nuclear Energy Co-operation (IFNEC) through the (FIRST) Foundational Infrastructure for Responsible use of SMR Technology network, USA.
The Programme helped broaden the student’s perspective in STEM careers an its importance in the nuclear field. The students got extensive understanding of how STEM programmes are implemented in the USA, benefits and applications of nuclear technology and the importance of stakeholders engagement in Nuclear embarking countries like Kenya.
The Nuclear Power and Energy Agency offers students the tools, academic guidance and mentoring needed to pursue educational and career opportunities in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). The Agency hopes to continue to inspire students and young scientists to pursue and excel in science as a foundation to choosing nuclear science careers.