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NuPEA Awarded ISO 9001:2015 Certification

Mr. Benard Nguyo - Ag. MD Kenya Bureau of Standards (Left) handing over the ISO 9001:2015 certificate of registration to KNEB CEO- Eng. Collins Juma (Right) and Hon. Simon Kachapin, Chief Administrative Secretary- Ministry of Energy (centre) during the ISO Certificate presentation ceremony to KNEB at the Intercontinental Hotel.

On Thursday 30th August 2018, Nuclear Power and Energy Agency (NuPEA) formerly KNEB was formally awarded ISO 9001:2015 certification by Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS). This was during a ceremony held at the Intercontinental hotel presided over by Hon. Simon Kachapin Chief Administrative Officer, Ministry of Energy as Chief Guest, Kenya Bureau of Standards Acting Managing Director Mr. Bernard Nguyo, NuPEA Board members, NuPEA management and staff, CEOs from the energy Sectors and other stakeholder institution and media.

NuPEA was awarded the certification by Kenya Bureau of Standards as the certification Body after meeting all of the ISO 9001:2015 requirements. NuPEA ISO journey begun in June 2014 when the management resolved to develop and implement a Quality Management System (QMS) that is internationally recognized in its operations by training its staff, development of QMS documents and implementation of the QMS in the organization. NuPEA started with ISO 9001:2008 standard that was later revised to ISO 9001:2015 in 2015, at the point KNEB transited and applied for certification under the new standard of ISO 9001:2015.

Speaking during the ceremony, elated Eng. Collins Juma, NuPEA Chief Executive Officer said ‘the certification affirms NuPEA’s commitment and dedication in ensuring that our products and services are consistent with the customer’s requirements as we focus on continual improvement in carrying out our mandate of fast tracking the implementation of the Kenya’s Nuclear power programme.’

‘This is a major achievement in our corporate history, through the ISO certification and conforming to International Standards helps us reassure our stakeholders that our services and products are safe, efficient and environmentally friendly as we carry out our mandate as a board’ said Eng. Collins Juma.

In his address during the ceremony, CAS for Energy Hon. Simon Kachapin extolled Nuclear Power and Energy Agency (NuPEA) for being amongst the first organizations to be certified under ISO 9001:2015 standard in the country. He mentioned that NuPEA joined other utilities in the Ministry that are ISO certified that include Kenya Power, KenGen, Energy Regulatory Commission, Geothermal Development Company, KETRACO and Rural Electrification Authority. He further said that this demonstrates our commitment as a sector towards quality service delivery by adopting an internationally recognized Quality Management Systems in our operations.

KEBS Ag. Managing Director Mr. Benard Nguyo in his speech stated that certification is key to development since it leads to standard based solutions that promote trade, innovation and overall improvement of quality of life in a country. He reiterated further that it as an important aspect in the successful implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s), Vision 2030 and the Big Four Agenda.

Choosing to be certified does not only prove commitment to best practice, but also shows that excellence matters to the Nuclear Power and Energy Agency (NuPEA). Certification to ISO 9001:2015 also confirms that KNEB has identified risks associated with its operations and has put in place adequate measures to address them, said Mr. Nguyo.

By attaining the certification, NuPEA becomes one of the 274 organizations in Kenya that have been certified under the ISO 9001:2015 by Kenya Bureau of Standards Quality Management Systems (QMS) standards ahead of the 15th September 2018 deadline when the ISO 9001:2008 standard becomes obsolete that most institutions are certified under.

The certification is for a period of three years (from May 2018 – to May 2021) during which KEBS will carry out two surveillance audit of NuPEA’s Quality Management Systems to ensure compliance with the ISO 9001:2015 requirements and approve the re-certification upon the expiry of the certification contract.

By Faith Kosgei