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Who We Are

about us

The Nuclear Power and Energy Agency is a State Corporation established under the Energy Act 2019. It is charged with the responsibility of promoting and implementing Kenya’s Nuclear Power Programme, carrying out research and development for the energy sector.

Towards attainment of its mandate, the Nuclear Power and Energy Agency shall develop policies and legislation, undertake public education and awareness, identify suitable sites for the construction of Nuclear Power Plants; carry out research, development and innovation on energy technologies as well as capacity building for the energy sector


Provider of Safe and Sustainable Energy Solutions


To develop nuclear power, and undertake research and capacity building in the energy and petroleum sectors for socio economic prosperity


I-TEC: Integrity, Teamwork, Excellence, and Creativity and Innovativeness


The organization was formed in 2010 as the Nuclear Electricity Project Committee (NEPC). It was transformed into a parastatal under the State Corporations Act, as the Kenya Nuclear Electricity Board in November 2012. Its mandate was to realize Kenya’s Vision 2030 by fast tracking the development of nuclear power in order to enhance the production of affordable and reliable electricity.

Following the enactment of Energy Act 2019, Kenya Nuclear Electricity Board (KNEB) changed its name to Nuclear Power and Energy Ageny (NuPEA). This took effect from 28th March 2019. The legislation conferred an expanded mandate to the organization involving carrying out research for development and dissemination of energy technologies as well as capacity building for the entire energy sector. This is in addition to development of the Nuclear Power Programme for electricity generation in Kenya.

NuPEA is currently in the process of undertaking siting studies to identify suitable locations for nuclear power plants in Kenya and developing the legislative and regulatory framework for a nuclear power programme. Indeed, the Nuclear Regulatory Bill that will transform the Radiation Protection Board into the regulator is currently before Parliament.

NuPEA has facilitated training of more than two dozen Kenyans in Nuclear Power Engineering in South Korea. Seven others have studied for the Diploma in Nuclear Law in Montpellier, France. This is all part of a comprehensive capacity building programme for the Nuclear Power Programme. Further, NuPEA is undertaking stakeholder involvement, public awareness and sensitization.

In the future outlook, plans are ongoing towards construction of a research reactor at Konza Technopolis, which will be used for training and production of medical radioisotopes for therapy of cancer and other diseases.

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